General Error:SQL ERROR installing phpBB3

edited November -1 in General Discussions

Hi. Can you please help?

How come I can not do a simple default install of phpBB3?

It fails with this error below at the bottom of this post when the default installer is trying to create database tables.

I have successfully installed phpBB3 many many times before on other hosts.

I already first created a database before running the default phpBB3 installer

General Error:SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]User lblog_33952309 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [1203] in file /home/vol19_1/ on line 1023


  • user786
    edited April 6

    Here is an attached image screenshot showing the actual error regarding max_user_connections

    Edited: I attached an image url to this post but I guess this forum doesn't allow me to post images?