
Hi, I'm having problems with my website. although, i optimize it very well but it loads the page very slowly, i mean it loads slow in the beginning and in the end it loads very fast. I have disabled all the plugins to test and it still has the same problem. If I click f5 continuously it loads very fast and sometimes it has database connection errors and apache overload and lack of resources. though, the pro free host uses nginx as a web server. So can you help me to migrate WordPress from apache to nginx? Also, I want to setup cron on c panel of pro free host but I can't figure out the difference between command line cron and web cron. Can you help me clarify that? I read a lot of documentation about cron and I found it's all command line and paid hostings already exist these cron. I don't know how your pro free host set up cron? If I visit continuously my website will load faster but if I stop accessing for about 1 hour it will load up to 30 seconds waiting for it to finish loading. I


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  • Phuong

    Hi, I'm having problems with my website. although, i optimize it very well but it loads the page very slowly, i mean it loads slow in the beginning and in the end it loads very fast. I have disabled all the plugins to test and it still has the same problem. If I click f5 continuously it loads very fast and sometimes it has database connection errors and apache overload and lack of resources. though, the pro free host uses nginx as a web server. So can you help me to migrate WordPress from apache to nginx? Also, I want to setup cron on c panel of pro free host but I can't figure out the difference between command line cron and web cron. Can you help me clarify that? I read a lot of documentation about cron and I found it's all command line and paid hostings already exist these cron. I don't know how your pro free host set up cron? If I visit continuously my website will load faster but if I stop accessing for about 1 hour it will load up to 30 seconds waiting for it to finish loading. I

    March 2022
  • Phuong

    Usually, other hosting services have the feature to enable auto run ssl, but pro free host does not have that feature. It's inconvenient for me to install ssl manually and we ourselves cannot do it, because we don't know how to program. I believe the pro free host will fix that or else I will call the community to boycott and rate this service 1*.

    February 2022
  • Phuong

    install ssl automatically for wordpress website and change website to .com domain name
    Hi, I'm a blind person who doesn't have enough money to build an accessible website, so I chose the solution as using a pro free host, however, the difficulty here is that I can't integrate the domain name. .com to the website because I don't have money and now covid has taken my job. I need to switch to passive way of making money online. I can't use pro free host as my website can't SEO and manually installing ssl is very annoying as I'm not an IT person myself and I need a free ssl solution. I want to use pro free host to create investment capital for a better quality website. There are some hosting that have built-in automatic ssl installation feature and do not need to install it manually. I think, we can leave out some unimportant and not really necessary features to simplify the service. You know, in my country blind people are mostly unemployed. I need a secure website. At 123 hosts, there is

    February 2022